Friday, January 23, 2015

Tools for Success

It is no secret that books have played a major role in my life.  I will talk more about that in time, but today I would like to share a few titles that have played a major role at different turning points in my life.  I have carried them close with me and continue to use them whenever I find myself looking for what my next step forward should be.  And, they have played a role in getting me started for this year of self-discovery.
The Gift of a Year: How to Achieve the Most Meaningful, Satisfying, and Pleasurable Year of Your Life by Mira Kirshenbaum: The central concept of this book is that women need to stop putting themselves last in their life and take a period of time to do something to meet their deep needs for fulfillment, rest, and happiness.  This may be as simple as taking a bubble bath every day for a year or as complex as starting a business or revisiting a passion such as music or art that has fallen by the wayside over the years.  You do not need to put the rest of your life on hold, you just need to find a way to take back a few hours per week.

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron:  This book is broken down into a 12 week program to ignite your creativity, put those issues that have dogged you for years to bed, and rejuvenate your soul.  I was extremely lucky that when I was introduced to this book, it was as part of an interactive program led by an amazing leader who took a group of 8 of us through the 12 week program making it an even more powerful experience as we watched each other change, create, and grow into ourselves.  I have been able to book the women who led this workshop at my library in April and I am seriously considering participating again!

Your Best Year Yet! Ten Questions to Change Your Life Forever by Jinny S. Ditzler: Any fan of to do lists will find this book  inspiring and life changing.  Not only does Ditzler ask you what you want to accomplish this year, she takes you through a set of questions to help you define what is truly important to you and how you can take steps to ensure that your goals are successful this year.  There is nothing mind-blowing in the concept, however, her approach will raise your appreciation for the success you have achieved and lay the foundation for even more success ahead.  Best yet, once you have completed the questions, you will have a simple 1 page plan that will keep you on track for the year.

Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message by Tara Sophia Mohr: This is the newest addition to the shelf.  In many ways, it is the reason for this blog and so many of my plans for this year.  Just for starters, Mohr teaches the reader how to shut off our inner critic (that negative voice that is constantly in your head chattering) and turn to our inner mentor.  She teaches how to move past fear and basic tools for making major strides in your life-whether they be personal, professional, or a combination of both.  Playing big may mean something different for every woman, but the point is that we need to stop being afraid to take up time and space that is ours to rock and we need to follow our dreams and use our talents.  And, not only for the good of ourselves, but for all who will benefit from that enthusiasm and those talents.  Thank you Tara Mohr! 

So, there you have it.  These are the books that will serve as my roadmap as I take the journey to finding and becoming myself this year.  They are only the beginning, but they have given me the strength, courage, and motivation I needed to take the first step.  Tell me, what books have been there for you at your turning points?  Does anyone else have an affinity for one of my faves?  I can’t wait to hear!


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