Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Power of a Book, Part 1

Vacation is going well!  I have been quite busy, but much of my days have been spent with friends, reading, and writing, so I am in a happy place!  As I was thinking about what to write about, it occurred to me that I wanted to talk about books, but felt bad that I relate most of my posts back to what I am reading at the moment.  This blog was never intended to be "How to read 52 self help books and reinvent yourself in a year."  Then, I realized the truth!

Books have played a monumental role in my life.  It is something that I actually take for granted because it is so much a part of me.  Taking the time to look more closely at my life this year, I realize what a lifeline they really are for me. So, you will be getting a lot of updates about what I am currently reading, want to read, may someday read, etc...

Let me explain.  The story goes that I taught myself how to read when I was three.  One of my first memories is actually the shock and awe of my next door neighbor as she figured out I was actually reading the items on her refrigerator, not just talking about them or remembering what someone else told me they said.  But, to say I taught myself how to read would be a disservice to my parents.

My dad had 3 custom bookcases built for me in our apartment when my mom was pregnant.  I never remember a time that they were not overflowing with glorious books of all shapes and sizes.  My mom read to me every day.  We always bought a book in the checkout aisle at the grocery store (this was the late 70s and early 80s when they still had children's books and encyclopedias in the checkout aisles). My mom also took me to used bookstores and we were such frequent guests at the library that it felt like a second home to me.

So, it is no surprise that I was an early reader.  My parents read, made sure I always had reading material, and made books a fun regular activity for me.  This may be the greatest gift they ever gave me (besides life, of course!) And it is one that has served me in more ways than I could have ever known possible.

One of my favorite childhood memories is reading into all hours of the night under the covers of my bed long after I was supposed to be sleeping.  My dad would buy me flashlights and batteries so I could have this secret area and time, and my mom was constantly taking them away and yelling at both of us because I needed my sleep!  This went on forever!  Those nights under the covers were great times where I read stories from the Baby-Sitter's Club obsessively and pretty much any chapter book I could get my greedy little hands on.

I knew I was loved, but my parents were not happily in love.  Their marriage ended when I was in third grade and I was already well versed in how to use my books as an escape.  Those late night reading sessions were some of the most relaxing times of my day.  Mom and Dad could throw down with the best of them and I did not deal well with all of the yelling.  My books allowed me an escape.  They allowed me to be me where all I had to do was show up and I was accepted and I could try new things.  As the clumsiest child you ever met, I was not very adventuresome in real life.  Which is probably a good thing as I had enough of emergency room visits just making it through a normal day!  Whether it was the ambulance ride from school for the nose that would not stop bleeding, or the horsefly attack that led to yet another emergency room trip, I was quite the magnet for oddities and drama!

Luckily, my books helped me through this time, the death of my father when I was 12, a very rough home life during adolescence, and just the process of growing up.  This love of reading helped me through the questions and milestones of my twenties and now in my 30s it grounds me and gives me a place to reconnect when the world just becomes too much.  Whenever I have a question, I look to the information that is out there to guide me.  While the internet is usually my first stop now, much of it is just a billion pages of words waiting to be read.  I love self help books not because I feel like I am not good enough, but I love reading the wisdom of people who have already traveled the journey. 

For the record, my love of reading is not confined to the self help realm.  I will read anything I can get my hands on!  Fiction, nonfiction, the cereal box... Even my daily commute is defined by the audiobooks I listen to.  While I like the radio as much as anyone, audiobooks give me the opportunity to get lost in a story.  A great novel is like traveling with friends.  Listening to The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak was one of the most powerful experiences of my life.  Never before had I actually clapped when a novel was done.  I laugh out loud as I listen to the memoirs of Jen Lancaster wondering why I enjoy them so much when I strongly suspect we would not get along if we were ever to meet!  Every audiobook is a chance to squeeze in a little more reading time into my day and make a strenuous commute an enjoyable experience.

As you can see, librarian was not an odd choice for a career path!  I will describe how that came about in a later post, but it is just another way that the universe has gifted me.  As I sit here writing, I am just so THANKFUL that I get to share this with you.  This book loving nerd has a passion and it is books.  Of course I like to read them, but I also like to touch them, be surrounded by them, talk about them.  They are a true passion and a good chunk of what makes me, me. 

I know there are many other parts of me that I still need to discover.  I know that I use books as a crutch to hide from some of those other parts.  But for right now I just want to take a moment to say thank you to God, my parents, the universe, and the thousands of writers who have made my life special.  These writers deserve a second thank you as well.  You have allowed me to feel feelings I would otherwise not allow myself to feel or have cause to know.  You have allowed me to experience more than I could on this planet (or universe) in a million lifetimes.  You have given me shelter from the world and myself when I needed it and more importantly, prodded me to go out and mark my place at just the right moments.  Words do no justice to the debt I owe you.  I try to put just the right book at just the right time in my patrons' hands.  I try to know what story will fill their voids.  Just know that I try to pay it forward every day. 

So there it is, my blog's first big epiphany!  I am what I read!!!  Now that we have gotten the obvious news out of the way, let's see what we learn next!

Talk Soon,


Sunday, February 22, 2015


I am on vacation this week!  I cannot describe quite how much I have been looking forward to this week.  Work has been very trying lately and I really have been wanting to focus more on this endeavor.  A staycation is just what I need to reorganize and regroup.

A February vacation has the dual win of not having to drive 45 minutes each way to work during the snowiest part of the year and being so cold and brutal that you want to get everything in the house done that you have been putting off.  This year has been particularly rough for snow.  We are over 6 feet in as many weeks.  I love winter and even I am anxiously awaiting the day that the grass needs to be mowed and I can safely walk through my yard without snowshoes and a prayer.

This week I will be accomplishing those pesky tasks that have been on my to do list forever like cleaning the oven and sorting out stuff to donate to lighten up the clutter of the house.  But, I have lots of time planned for fun with a trip to the Newport Playhouse, breakfast with a friend, and nice long phone chat with my little brother in Arizona.  Word also has it that my niece may be born this week as well! I have tons of books lined up, a shopping spree with my husband planned, and I am finally feeling the itch to get back to work on a few writing projects.

So, you will probably be hearing from me quite a bit this week!  I hope your week is as good as mine is going to be!

Talk Soon,

Sunday, February 15, 2015

You Win Some and You Lose Some on the Path to Enlightenment

So, I have been quiet about my quest for finding myself for a couple of weeks now.  I am happy to report that I have not fallen off the wagon.  My new year's resolution is still going strong.  However, my most recent exercise in self-exploration is not.

Ilene Segalove's 40 Day's and 40 Night: Taking Time Out for Self-Discovery: A Guided Journal has been on my bookshelf for YEARS.  I have never quite found the inspiration to delve into it, but I also could never part with it.  I loved the idea of taking a period of time for self-reflection and according to Segalove, "Forty has been known throughout history as a mystical number".  Forty is represented continuously throughout all of the major religions, Renaissance culture, numerology, and even the body.  Cells regenerate in the bloodstream every 40 days. 

Obviously, the idea of a set period of time for reflection and introspection spoke to me.  However, after making it a quarter of the way through the 40 days, I realized that this particular method was taking me further away from my goal.  I felt detached from the passion and curiosity that led me towards the path in the first place.  While I didn't find any part of the process difficult or uncomfortable, I was not engaged.  And there lay the problem.

I do not like to quit anything.  Nor do I like losing. This felt like both when I first thought about abandoning the process about 5 days in.  After getting a quarter of the way through the journal, I realized that the activities and writings were actually the loss.  I was not discovering anything that felt important and I was losing passion for the overall project.

So, apparently, you win some and lose some on the path to enlightenment!   I am disappointed because I waited for so long to work my way through the activities in this guided journal.  And at another time in my life it may be the perfect thing at the perfect time.  But, for now, I am moving on to something new.  Back to regular writing and journaling, reading (fiction and nonfiction) and trying new things.  We are only halfway through February and there is plenty of year left to find new wins and losses along the way.  I can't wait to experience them and share them with you!

Love Always,

P.S.  Any losses along your journey that you would like to share?  I have found that sometimes the losses teach us far more than the wins...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

I Am Queen of the Island of Misfit Toys

As of yesterday, it is official!  I am the queen of the island of misfit toys.  For those of you that are not familiar with this particular place, it is the land Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer visits when he runs away from the North Pole in the famous Rankin-Bass Christmas Special.  (Their adorable first meeting can be seen here.) This has always been my favorite holiday special, but now I truly can see why.

My sweet, loving misfit husband rescued a stray cat on Thursday.  She was obviously hurt, and cold, and all she wanted was love.  She has some type of deformity where one of her hind legs is lame and her spine is crooked, but our girl is a fighter.  A couple of meals, a bath, and some cuddles later and she is already looking a million times better!

This in itself is not enough to make me the queen of the island though.  I was looking around my home yesterday while we were caring for our new charge, Maisy.  Our hound dog Leon was in a tizzy.  On his best day, he has OCD issues and the cat's presence has sent him into overdrive.  Luckily, he senses that she is hurt, so he has been super gentle with her, but it still does not make it okay that he is not the baby anymore.  Watching my husband and our Zoobilee Zoo warmed my heart, but it also became painfully clear that I have a tendency to attract the "other" in the phrase "which one of these is not like the others?"

Then, I got to thinking.  Has it always been like this?  And, yes.  Yes, it has.  So, what does that say about me?  Am I incapable of interacting with the "normals"?  Do I look for the misfits purposely?  I think the bigger question is why did it strike me as something I should be so concerned with?

The answer is this.  As I go along on my year, I am trying to get to the real Melissa.  I am trying to figure out what makes me tick and what makes me truly happy.  As I sat staring at my beautiful neurotic family, my heart grew with joy.  The realization that I was indeed the Queen of this island made me sigh because I knew there were easier paths in life, but this is where we are all supposed to be.  If Leon came home from doggy boot camp and was the best behaved dog ever tomorrow, I would not know what to do with myself.  After all, when we were looking for our pup, we wanted one with a big personality who could be a little naughty at times.  And we got that.  And then some!

My husband is incredibly smart, handsome, and has a huge heart.  He has more than his fair share of neuroses, but that is what helps to fuel his creative fire.  Do I wish his path in life was easier?  Of course!  I would give anything to make life perfect for my loved ones, especially him.  Who wouldn't?  But, we are who we are because of our life experiences and our dreams.  Would we be the same people if our lives were perfect?  I would not want to be with a man who would NOT want to save a hurt, deformed cat. 

And now Maisy.  Hubby is still on the fence about whether or not we should keep her.  He wants to nurse her back to health and send her back out to the wild to her cat friends in the neighborhood.  But, I see her working her Maisy magic and softening him up.  She has made it clear she is not going anywhere if she has her way.  She has already started to make her way into my heart and I was firmly against a new indoor addition to the family.  She is slowly working her way into the family proving that she can find her place in our home.  If she keeps it up, she will be an official member of our misfit island by the end of next week!