Saturday, April 25, 2015

Self Reflection

I am taking time for me.  Time to breathe, time to relax, time to figure out who I want to be and where I want to go from here.  It is impossible to move ahead when you don’t know where you want to go.  I am not looking to move for movement’s sake or just hoping luck will push me in the right direction.  I want to consciously look at my life and decide what is best for me.

I guess what I am saying is that I want to find myself.  My adult life has been a whirlwind of work, relationships, and taking care of others.  I have lost many of the parts of me I liked best and don’t understand why I never felt good enough about myself to develop others.  The beauty if this time is that I am not wallowing in regret.  I have done some pretty cool things with my life, but now I want to put myself first and make sure that I am holding myself accountable for living a life true to who I am.

I am reading The Woman’s Retreat Book by Jennifer Louden.  Yes, I know it always comes back to a book, but I truly do not know a better way!  Anyway, I have always loved the idea of a retreat and the few I have been on were truly amazing.  This book guides women on how to take all sorts of retreats from the big ones you probably think of when you hear the word to simple solo retreats that can be done in an hour.  I like the idea of short term retreats because it requires me to actively remember to put myself first and to remember that I must take the time to figure out if I am being true to what I truly desire. 

I am not going to say that it has been easy to come to the determination that I needed to do this because it certainly has not.  My husband and I are both at turning points and that has made it even harder because I feel that much more guilty about saying that I need this time for me and it is non-negotiable.  But, this is the only way that we are going to be able to make the most of our lives.  If one of us is discontent, it will rock the path we are on together.  Not only that, I need to be strong enough to do it for myself because no one else can or will do it for me.

So, how do I feel now that I am embracing the path to self-discovery?  Scared!  I want to go back in time and be that idealistic girl who was sweet as pie and did not believe people had anything but goodness in them and bad acts could be reformed.  But, I also know that I am a strong woman now and seeing the world for all its problems does not need to make me jaded and scared.  I can be strong and sweet, tough yet vulnerable, open to love.  These are some of the things I hope to truly realize during this time.

We are already at the end of April and I wonder if I have started to play big yet.  I think taking this journey means yes.  For while I have always been a fan of all things self-improvement, digging deep and taking a closer look at myself and my dreams has always been far out of my league to even attempt.  Well, I am at bat now and I am looking for a homerun.  I would say that is playing big!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What Does Playing Big Mean to Me?

It seems like a simple question.  What does playing big mean to me?  I already play fairly big in my career.  I know what I can do and where my goals need to be to play bigger.  But, honestly, playing big in my career is the least of my concerns right now.  What I really want to do is play big in my personal life.  But, what does that look like?

You would think it would be an easy question to answer, but for me it has not been.  In fact, it has been one of the hardest ones of my life.  Maybe even the hardest to date.  I think there will need to be some major changes.  In me, in my marriage, in my home.  I know I need to get out more.  I need to socialize more.  I need to get more involved in passion projects.  I need to get back to feeling like myself.  I need to find the person I have always wanted to be.

What does playing big mean to you?  What is your vision?  Do you automatically know what it is you want when you think about playing big?