Tuesday, January 20, 2015

About this year...

2014 was an amazing year full of personal and professional accomplishments.  So much so, that my friend/colleague Jenn and I decided that we wanted to do it again!  In order to make sure we were not resting on our laurels, we even decided to title it our “Best Year Yet” and produce a series of programs so that our library’s patrons could get in on the act too.

This is the year that I have decided to finally cross some personal issues off of the list.  You see, career has always been my main focus.  I have always been very driven, but the level to which I focus on my career goes far beyond a strong work ethic.  It is what I use to define myself.  It truly gives me joy, but I think I also use it as a hiding place so I do not need to be in the spotlight.  As a librarian, it is all about helping others. 

Before you snicker at the idea of the mousy librarian breaking out of her shell, let me enlighten you.  I am the OPPOSITE of what anyone would consider a mousy librarian.  I am passionate, loud, and silly.  I am all about the digital age and am always looking for new services and ways to integrate them into my building.  I am sure we will talk more about what I do and how I do it, but really, I am trying to avoid that here, aren’t I?    

Anyway, I really want to spend some time on life outside of the office this year.  In fact, I have even given myself permission to sit back at work a little bit to allow myself time to concentrate on getting to know and become the me I want to be.  My boss supports this.  The slowing down a bit, we have done more in the last two years since I have been there than in the last 15 years combined.  Truth be told, I think she believes that I can slow down even less than I do.  So even if I end up going at only 90%, my output is still going to be yards ahead of the typical employee and everyone wins.   Again, we are not supposed to be talking shop here! 

Really carving out a spot for myself in my home has been on my top ten goals for at least the last dozen years.  I am not saying I want to be Holly Homemaker, but I definitely want to make it much more so than it is now.  Right now, my house is functional at best.  I want to come home and love every nook and cranny.   I want to have a cute reading nook and cool collages on the walls.  As cliché as it sounds, I want my home to be my castle where I can come and escape and rejuvenate after a long day.  Not just a stop to spend time with my family before I go back to work or leave to run the errands that make up life.

Writing is another thing on my list this year.  It is something I have always loved and have gotten away from.  Partly because of time, partly because I get to do a lot of it you know where, and mostly because my confidence was shattered after a creative writing class in my undergraduate career.  This year I am taking it back.  Hence, this blog.  I hope at some point this year I will find myself branching out to a little bit of fiction or poetry just because I can, but I really like blog writing and feel like this is a creative outlet that speaks to me at this point in my life. 

And, I hope it will speak to you a little bit too.  I share because I need to be held accountable to myself to actually do the work.  I also hope that my words may help you.  I want to hear your stories.  It is not easy being a 21st century women.  We all juggle that balance of the responsibility of what needs to be done right now versus what we need to accomplish for our long term happiness.  And sometimes we just forget to put ourselves into the equation.  Well, that is over for me this year.  I am putting myself in the forefront.  While I am not sure what will happen, I am pretty certain that it will be crazy, hilarious, and a bit stressful if my life today is any indication.  Trust me, there will be no shortage of funnies.   
So, for now, welcome!!!  In my next post, I will describe playing big as it was taught to me by Tara Mohr in her book, Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message as well as the other texts that are guiding my path through this year of finding myself.   After all, it wouldn’t be me if I was not bringing a bunch of books along for the ride!

Talk Soon,


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